eBay account reinstatement £699

If your account has been deactivated unfairly, it is very difficult to reverse this process without extensive experience in dealing with eBay's processes. We are here to provide valuable assistance reinstating your account.

With our expertise and knowledge, contacts and experience, we will give you the best possible chance of eBay account reinstatement. Contact us on 07547 774938 or email support@nimble-consulting.co.uk, to start reinstating your eBay account.

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 Illustration of team managing online ecommerce account

 How We Will Help


We will evaluate your account suspension, and understand the reasons behind the suspension, and assess any potential policy violations or issues that led to the suspension.

We will evaluate your account history, feedback, and performance metrics to identify how the account suspension came about.


We will act as an intermediary between you and eBay's support team. We will draft and submit appeals and reinstatement requests on your behalf, ensuring they address all the necessary points and provide a compelling argument for reinstating your account.

We will also follow up with eBay, answer any additional questions, and provide clarifications as needed.


Once your account is reinstated, we can assist with monitoring and help you make sure your account remains active and online, and that your reputation is restored.

We can provide advice on maintaining good seller metrics, resolving customer issues, and optimising your eBay business for long-term success.