Selling Limit Increase  £199

If your eBay profitability is being hindered by a selling limit, our experienced team will help you request a selling limit increase. We can also help optimise your eBay account to help demonstrate your ability to handle higher sales volumes, and identify any other areas that may affect your selling limit, to ensure your eBay enterprise has as few restrictions as possible.

If you want to increase your eBay selling limit, give our team a call on 07547 774938 or email

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 Our Process Follows Three Steps


We will examine your eBay account, and consider the best areas where improvements can be made towards increasing your eligibility for a higher eBay selling limit. We can also assess if your eBay sales limit has been restricted unjustly.


We will communicate with eBay's customer support to request a selling limit increase, highlighting performance, growth and your capability, as well as the positive buying experiences of your customers, to create a well-crafted application.

Ongoing Support

Once your selling limit is increased, we can help you maintain your performance, with guidance on maintaining compliance with eBay's policies, as well as advice on reading seller metrics and resolving issues.